Title: conversation live streamed to social media


Exchange Type: offer

Item Type: good


Description: You are welcome to join us on Zoom for a nice conversation about the work you do and projects you are working on.   You can share about any organizations that you are a part of.     It is in open house fashion, so we can tailor to help you be with exactly as you prefer the timing to be.  text/call 262-372-1754 kurt@projectdiehard.orghttps://www.4mycard.net/u/3nt7/Kurt-Roskopf https://linktr.ee/All4Abilities  https://www.clubhouse.com/@kurtroskopfhttps://www.clubhouse.com/@roskopfshttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11AE4JbYkcQJ_r0_aPdSHblbLUGeYb6xY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110236527821072394727&rtpof=true&sd=true1-414-514-0186 (WhatsApp)https://ezxpo.biz/abilityfest 

Geolocation Scope:

Geographic Scope: local

Contact Details: https://marketplace.at-home.coop/user/4/contact

Transaction Type: