Title: guest for talk show

Exchange Type: want

Item Type: good


Description: We are looking for you to be our guest on our podcast talk shows to share who you are, what you do, and any services you provide.    You can include any organizations that you belong to.   It is a great time for storytelling.    We live stream these shows on social media and record them for distribution with our media partners.  text/call 262-372-1754 kurt@projectdiehard.orghttps://www.4mycard.net/u/3nt7/Kurt-Roskopf https://linktr.ee/All4Abilities  https://www.clubhouse.com/@kurtroskopfhttps://www.clubhouse.com/@roskopfshttps://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11AE4JbYkcQJ_r0_aPdSHblbLUGeYb6xY/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=110236527821072394727&rtpof=true&sd=true1-414-514-0186 (WhatsApp)https://ezxpo.biz/abilityfest 

Geolocation Scope:

Geographic Scope: local

Contact Details: https://marketplace.at-home.coop/user/4/contact

Transaction Type: